Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Cyduse - Mutiara Bangsa 3 School

Cyduse - From Nothing to Something
3R : Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
Intracurricular 3R from Mutiara Bangsa High School.

Go Green is a modern and innovative business leader in outsourced waste management and recycling solutions, providing bespoke and tailored services to meet increasing demands for local, regional and national businesses. Our exclusive custom-made online client Portal combined with our fresh business approach means that we alone can deliver accessible and interactive services in a creative and flexible manner to all.

Going green is a lifestyle change targeted at being consciously aware of the surrounding environment and how things we do affect that environment. According to "Going Green Facts" from FOX43TV.com, if American households went online to view and pay their bills, over 16 million trees would be saved. Another benefit to going green is the impact it can have on your health. From the foods we eat to the air we breathe, going green can help keep us healthy and improve our quality of life.


Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.
- Stewart Udall -

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